Mission Statement

2023 - In Memory of Michael Klembara
September 1, 2023: Anita Klembara, wife of Michael, joins crew members (from l-r): Brad Shike, Jacob Pridemore, Charles Engel, Mike Purcell, Joe Marchio, Nick Coleman, and Dave Calleo prior to the Moravian vs. Muhlenberg game in recoginizing the passing of Mike this past summer.
The primary reason for our existence is to provide the very best college football officiating services to the seven schools who make up the Centennial Conference, as well as the seven schools that make up the Landmark Conference. Everything we do will be in an attempt to strive for excellence both on the gridiron and in the Administrative aspects in dealing with our Coaches, Director of Athletics’ and their staffs.
The above goal of attaining Officiating Excellence will be accomplished through the following:
Enhanced use of video to learn and improve. The use of HUDL will be a focus for every official.
A genuine commitment to NCAA Football Officiating … to include Regional Meetings and a spring and fall clinic.
“Outreach” to coaching staffs to respond to their concerns following each game.
Greater enhancement of Observers and their role.
Great emphasis on the “teaching” aspect of football officiating. This is frequently ignored or overlooked on far too many occasions.
The absolute mandate to all officials is to provide the highest level of officiating services to the Centennial and Landmark Conferences. This will be achieved through recruiting, teaching, mentoring and evaluating officials. The transcending goal is continual development and improvement.
The above will include regional meetings, regular email communications, NCAA updates, strong use of HUDL, meaningful and legitimate evaluations and the annual spring and fall clinics.
Willingness to meet each pre-season with coaching staffs and their players.
Regional Meetings conducted by the Supervisor will commence each spring in early May and run throughout the summer and into the fall. A total of twelve (12) Regional Meetings will be scheduled. This does not include our spring and fall clinics.
Development of weekly ‘Teaching Plays of Interest’ for our entire staff. This will greatly aid in an official’s development as well as enhance overall staff consistency. Everyone receives the same message.